Showing all 7 results
African Music is life
MediumLa musica africana è una fusione ricca e diversificata di ritmi complessi, melodie improvvisate e stili di chiamata e risposta, profondamente intrecciati con la vita quotidiana e le tradizioni culturali.
MediumFor those nostalgic of Logic’s emagic-era color scheme, this skin is a great update of past DAW versions once populated by blue and teal, while fully complimenting all of Logic’s current, non-editable effects windows.
Better Piano Roll
MediumBETTER PIANO ROLL. When you need something in between Logic’s default Dark Background and the default Bright Background. 😎
intersections of sounds
MediumJust like a well-composed piece of music, this design harmonizes simplicity and boldness, creating a rhythm that guides the user’s experience.
Pasta with basil is music
MediumItalian cuisine is renowned for its variety of flavors and fresh ingredients. Similarly, Italian music is rich in emotions and melodies that resonate in the hearts of listeners. This relationship explores how the flavors of Italian food can be compared to the different nuances of Italian music.